Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

5 Mistakes That Can Often Do foils and Diet

Are you feeling so far has been trying hard diet , manage your diet and exercise , but the weight does not go down ? Well , this condition may arise because subconsciously you still often make mistakes .To that end , remind yourself that you are undergoing a healthy diet because they want to lose weight and stay in shape because it's for your own sake , not for your friends . 

The following data is the most frequent mistakes made ​​, especially by women , which could derail the diet , as reported by the Times of India , on Thursday ( 31/10/2013 ):

 1 . Rely too much olive oil 

Most women think olive oil has many health benefits , so eat them in large quantities would not be a problem . However , experts warn that despite benefits such as olive oil has monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy , antioxidant flavonoids , and vitamin E , this oil also contains calories ( 120 calories and 14 grams of fat per tablespoon ) .Therefore , be careful while using olive oil . Measure out the olive oil before using it so you can still limit their consumption and not excessive . 

2 . Little drinking water 

Some people think that when he was on a diet, then he must consume everything in small quantities and keep the stomach empty , including the intake of fluids . When in fact water can also help burn calories . So, drink lots of water throughout the day to stay healthy and fuller . 

3 . Eat too little and excessive exercise

 Spent countless hours in the gym and drastically reduce food intake does not completely help you lose weight faster . In fact , if you reduce the schedule and eating , your metabolism automatically slows down and weight loss will be more difficult to obtain . Even if you decline, your weight will simply go up and come back when your eating schedule is back to normal. 

4 . Do not want to eat fruits

 If you refuse to eat fruit because the fruit was loaded with sugar and fat can cause , then you need to know that in fact the fruits have natural sugars and contains a number of essential vitamins , fiber , and minerals that are known to make you feel full longer than usual snack . Fruits such as apples , strawberries , grapefruit , and watermelon is a delicious and healthy option for those of you who are on the diet .

5 . Less consistently and quickly bored 

If you want to lose weight in a healthy , then you must have the intention and commitment to pursue a diet program . Two things play a major role in the success of the diet . If not consistent , it can be just the weight up and down . Likewise, when bored , you will easily get back on unhealthy eating patterns again . Let me not get bored , it's good to make a variety of food , which is important to stay balanced and not excessive.


sumber :  http://fresshealth.blogspot.com/